November 27, 2008…a thanks giving morning. We awake to clear and deep blue skies, a brilliant warming sun, the thunderous sounds of waves breaking upon our shoreline and the cry of a distant Red Shoulder Hawk soaring over our nearby hillside. We have reflected back upon all our episodes during the last two years…and cannot find an end to the multitude of things we are thankful for…starting and ending with the love, concern and support of our family and friends. The experience of full-time motorhome living, which is approaching our two-year anniversary, has drawn us to the wonder of so many serene and beautiful “rest” stops, introduced us to the most unique, friendly, courageous and loving souls, and witnessed the strength of a perfect partnership as it defied that perfect storm...
"Even with a broken wing...she still carries a dream and she never stopped flying..."
We are now back to where it all began…Cambria…Pines By The Sea. And in a short time we will be back living in a home with a foundation of concrete, five times more living space, a bathtub and of course... a toilet with unlimited holding power. We are looking forward to this “temporary” change…but will miss the wonder, comfort, companionship and protection of our beautiful coach.
We will not be idle though...for there will be no lack of adventures, no moments without dreams and always creative plans for tomorrow. We forsee ourselves staying very fluid and simplistic, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, continuing to seek out nature’s treasures and ensuring that no byte of camera memory is left un-used.
And we extend our sincere gratitude to those of you who have made a positive impact in our lives, who offered without conditions, kindness and wisdom, nourished us with your genuine friendship, shared many a glass of wine (there sure are bunch of “ya”), made us laugh, cry and inspired us with your life’s adventure …reinforcing that we must never stop making ours. To you all, which there are too many to name, a heartfelt invitation…“mi casa es tu casa”…the Blanics will always welcome you to our beloved Central Coast.