Our Health...for all our years together we took for granted that a physically active and clean lifestyle, would bless our bodies with a cloak of invincibility. Returning to our central coast Vortex, a source filled with the raw power of nature, is aiding us toward the re-charging of that cloak. Hikes to the top of Valencia Peak provide us some of that "direct current" .
LOVE...the depth of our love for each other and the love of our family and friends...has provided us the strength and willpower to ride out the few "storms" over the last year and honor the desire to return to our beloved coast with joy, excitement, optimism and always...yes always our faith. And Love will power us to meet head-on any obstacle with the confidence of our resolve to be triumphant. Sucumbing to the status quo has never been an option for us.
As we host at San Simeon State Park, we ponder the exciting path of tomorrow. Someday we will relinquish the life as a full-timer and move back into a traditional home - Space, comfort and stability being governing factors toward our decision. A constant certainty is that the beauty of our "backyard" will never be compromised. And although everyday living in this coach may come to an end, it is not without some wonderful memories and rewards. So, as another chapter awaits us on the horizon, we both share our unwavering will... to continue this "lifedance" without a missed step and hold on to the confidence that our stage will be only filled with happiness, zest, curiosity and courage.
And just as we started this adventure quest with our first post, "Farewell to Washburn"...we will begin another odessey to complete the set of bookends...our next post will be aptly titled..."Welcome to Washburn".